Tips for Eating Right as You Age

As you begin to get older, it is going to become more and more important that you eat right, since you need fewer calories as you age. The choices you make in nutrition are going to be so important, since you have few calories to work with when making the right decisions. Making the wrong choices when it comes to aging and nutrition can lead to weight gain and even more health risks, so it's time that you learn to eat right. Whether you need to lose a few pounds, you want to eat to feel better, or you just want to stay in good shape, it is imperative that you eat the right foods and get as many nutritious foods as you can each day. So, the following are a few tips for eating right as you age that will help you make sure you get the proper nutrition.

Tip #1 - Get Plenty of Protein - If you are going to eat right and get the proper nutrition, you need to make sure that you get plenty of protein in your diet. There are plenty of foods out there that are rich in protein, and eating the right foods are better than trying to take protein supplements. While you don't want too much protein, about two 3 oz servings of meat each day is about enough to suffice. A few great foods that are great sources of protein include chicken, beef, eggs, fish, cheese, pork, and milk.

Tip #2 - Watch the Fat Intake - When it comes to aging and nutrition, it is also important that you watch the fat intake you get each day as well. While you do need some fat in your food to stay healthy, you'll want to avoid too much fat; in fact, only about 20-30# of your calories each day should be calories from fat. On the other hand, diets that are extremely low on fat can be bad for your body, since they won't give you the nutrition that you need.

Tip #3 - Eat Carbs for Instant Energy - When you need instant energy, carbohydrates are what you need, as well as fiber. In order to get the nutrition you need, about 55-60% of your daily caloric intake should be carbohydrates, although you want to get most of this from whole grains, vegetables, and fruits as well. While a bit of sugar and refined carbs are okay, you'll want to do your best to eat right and get the best nutrition possible by eating healthier carbs. The fiber is specifically important, since it helps you make sure you have plenty of good bacteria inside your intestinal tract. You can find fiber in foods such as corn, brown rice, oatmeal, strawberries, bran cereal, whole grain breads, apples, and carrots.

Tip #4 - Meet Your Vitamin Needs - As you get older, you'll need to eat right to make sure that you get plenty of the important vitamins your body needs. Vitamin A is important and you can find it in milk, eggs, fish oils, and liver, although you can get other forms of the vitamin from eating carotenoids, including carrots, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, red and green peppers, cantaloupe, and mangos. Some of the other important vitamins you need for proper nutrition include Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Choline, Folate, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Tip #5 - Eat to Get Important Minerals - Minerals are very important when it comes to aging and nutrition, although you don't hear as much about them as you do vitamins. However, they are extremely important to seniors. Calcium is important if you are going to avoid osteoporosis, chromium can help with weight regulation and blood sugar regulation, iron is important, magnesium helps to supplement the bones, and potassium, selenium, and zinc are other important minerals that you need to get in your diet on a regular basis to feel and look your best.

It is important that you eat right as you age, and the right foods can provide you with the nutrition that you need each day. Make the most of what you eat, and remember that aging and nutrition should go hand in hand if you want to live out a long and healthy life.

The Best Sports Nutrition For Endurance Sports Athletes

What is the best sports nutrition for an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this. No athlete has the same need. It all depends on the physique of an athlete and the kind of sports that he or she is into.

So, if you are contemplating on joining an endurance sports competition, the best sports nutrition for you is the nutritional table fit for an athlete that expects long hours of vigorous physical activity and mental alertness even when tired.

Endurance sports test the physical and mental fortitude of an athlete; if you are not well fed for this kind of competition, it would be better for you if you would back off from the competition.

Best sports nutrition a day before the event
Do not overwork yourself on the day before the event. It would be wise if you would only do stretching and a few kilometers of jogging, eat protein rich food, hydrate yourself (a lot!) and rest for the rest of the evening because you need to get up early, as early as four hours before the game.

The best sports nutrition in endurance sports is hydration. You should be hydrating yourself even a week before the game. This is to keep your body cleansed, fueled and watered for the coming event.

If you only hydrate yourself on the day of the event, you won't hold too much water. Most of the liquid that you intake will only seep out through sweat. So, if you want to go to the game in full tank, drink lots of water beforehand.

Another best sports nutrition tip that you must learn by heart is to eat food rich in protein, to keep your muscles in shape, and carbohydrates so that your glycogen stores would be at their best. You can hydrate yourself well with sports drink that contains minerals to balance your electrolytes level.

Best sports nutrition hours before the event
Eat a meal before you run. This is the best sports nutrition advice that you should keep in mind. You need glucose to keep your blood sugar in normal levels. Glucose fuels the brain and the muscles during an activity.

If you lack glucose in your body, you cannot think properly because your brain does not have enough fuel that it needs. Worse, you might faint even before the race begins of hypoglycemia.

Having enough stores of glucose in your body will keep you alert and going even for long hours of physical activity. So, don't forget to eat a light to moderate meal before you race.

Long hours of running, swimming and bicycling will definitely deplete your glycogen stores in your liver. So, a carbohydrate rich meal will be your best choice of pre-race meal. It can quickly restore your reserves of glycogen in your liver and put the fulcrum back to normal. You can bring with you carbohydrates bar which you can munch while running, and drain it down with water or sports drink.

According to health experts, best sports nutrition tip to get the carbohydrate you need is to eat food that you know won't make your stomach upset. Stress can induce diarrhea. Add up food that your digestive system hates and you will see yourself sitting on the throne while your competitors have started running after hearing the gun fire.

When to eat your pre-race meal? The sports nutrition experts recommend one to four hours before the assembly time and then nibble 50 grams of carbohydrate every hour before the game starts.

Instant oatmeal, bananas, low fat milk and energy bars are good sources of carbohydrates. Always follow a meal with water or sports drink. Never drink soda or caffeinated beverages because they will work of you as diuretics. According to the best sports nutrition magazines in the country, caffeine drains the body of fluid.Add up salty foods to your meal. Salt will help you retain more water in your body.

The Worldwide Effects Of Sports Nutrition Products

It is very obvious in the current market that sports nutrition products come from various different places worldwide. The interest in these products can be seen from all over the world. Many people assume that it is only in demand from people who live in first world countries.

Now though being interested in sports nutrition does not automatically mean that the person concerned has to participate in sports. Many people see it as way of having a positive attitude towards their health in general. With the current ad campaigns going on around the world, more and more people are looking for ways of improving their health and see nutrition as a part of that.

Sports nutrition is most definitely a worldwide concept now. With more people becoming interested in it from around the world. Before many people were not overly conscious with what they were eating and the nutrients that the food provided. Now though, nutrition labels can be seen on nearly all food products so that nutrients that the food provides can be seen by people who have a keen interest in providing their body with the correct types of food.

The incorporation of nutrition programs in several fitness centers and sports facilities also support the worldwide concern for sports nutrition.

Before, fitness in terms of sports and exercise in general is seen as an independent aspect and has nothing to do with diet and nutrition.

Now, however, people seem to recognize the fact that both are interrelated and that each one would not yield positive results if taken individually. It appears now that people are open to the idea that without a healthy diet, performance may not be expected to be excellent.

Several campaigns and sales efforts in support of sports nutrition have likewise been circulating worldwide.

In almost any country, one would hear of the availability of supplements sports nutrition programs, training on nutrition and health, nutrition verification for athletes, and many others. Indeed, sports nutrition is not anymore considered as for the First World countries only, but for worldwide benefit as well.

Aligning targets in terms of sports to targets in terms of nutrition is indeed very sound. In the first place, the body controls all activities.

Having a weak control system would certainly not bring the positive results that are sought. Sports can become very stressful on the body, even more so if it is not backed up with right nutrition.

The worldwide prevalence of sports nutrition also creates more vigilance in terms of sustaining efforts which have started already. It somehow creates a sense of pressure that yields favorable responses. Some people are indeed becoming good role models in terms of sports nutrition.

With the release of many books and other materials on sports nutrition it has helped to increase the worldwide awareness. Now people can see with their own eyes the concrete evidence of successes that occurred in the past by providing your body with the correct nutrients. They are also shown that it is not difficult for them to follow these examples.

It only requires commitment and good motivation on the part of the person interested. If before a good balance between fitness and nutrition was very complex to achieve now because of the practical tips coming from previous experiences it feels a lot easier to do.

Indeed, the coming years show more promise of worldwide sports nutrition because of heightened awareness and interest in it. This is a very advantageous thing for all as it somehow guarantees a healthier generation in the future. Sports is not just about competition or making ones body look good aesthetically, it also tackles the entire aspect of health.

With sports nutrition becoming a worldwide concept, the sustenance and motivation of previous efforts should always remain a concern. Although societal pressure can become a positive motivation, it can sometimes begin to falter.

Both the dissemination of the idea as well as maintenance of established ones should be taken good care of as health is a very essential aspect of life.

Sports Nutrition - Worldwide Growth And Development

It can be clearly noticed in the market that sports nutrition products come from different parts of the world. The interest in such has indeed become worldwide. Initially, people had the impression that it is only for those coming from first world countries.

However, recently, people have come to realize that being concerned about sports nutrition reveals one's attitude towards health in general. They seem to have also realized that everyone is entitled to great health. Thus, a lot of people appear to have started working hard for it.

Sports nutrition has indeed become worldwide. People from all walks of life have become more and more concerned about it. Before, they were not that conscious about the food that they eat, the nutrients that they get from it. Now, however, the nutrition labels in almost all types of commodities prove that people's curiosity for nutrition should indeed be addressed.

The incorporation of nutrition programs in several fitness centers and sports facilities also support the worldwide concern for sports nutrition.

Before, fitness in terms of sports and exercise in general is seen as an independent aspect and has nothing to do with diet and nutrition.

Now, however, people seem to recognize the fact that both are interrelated and that each one would not yield positive results if taken individually. It appears now that people are open to the idea that without a healthy diet, performance may not be expected to be excellent.

Several campaigns and sales efforts in support of sports nutrition have likewise been circulating worldwide.

In almost any country, one would hear of the availability of supplements, sports nutrition programs, training on nutrition and health, nutrition verification for athletes, and many others. Indeed, sports nutrition is not anymore considered as for the First World countries only, but for worldwide benefit as well.

Aligning targets in terms of sports to targets in terms of nutrition is indeed very sound. In the first place, the body controls all activities.

A poor control system would definitely not bring in positive results. Sports can be very stressful if not properly supported by the right nutrition.

The worldwide prevalence of sports nutrition also creates more vigilance in terms of sustaining efforts which have started already. It somehow creates a sense of pressure that yields favourable responses. Some people are indeed becoming good role models in terms of sports nutrition.

The release of several books and other learning materials regarding sports nutrition has further caused worldwide awareness. Not only are people given concrete examples of successes of the past, they are also made aware that doing so is not so difficult.

It only requires commitment and good motivation on the part of the person interested. If before, a good balance between fitness and nutrition was very complex to achieve, now, because of the practical tips coming from previous experiences, it feels a lot easier to do.

Indeed, the coming years show more promise of worldwide sports nutrition because of heightened awareness and interest in it. This is a very advantageous thing for all as it somehow guarantees a healthier generation in the future. Sports is not just about competition or making one's body look good aesthetically, it also tackles the entire aspect of health.

As sports nutrition becomes worldwide, sustenance of previous efforts and motivation should remain a concern. Sometimes, although societal pressure can be a good point of motivation, some efforts simply falter after a while.

Both the dissemination of the idea as well as maintenance of established ones should be taken good care of as health is a very essential aspect of life.

Good Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle

The phrase 'Health is Wealth' gets more significant with age. It's what we preserve the most, especially after retirement. Most seniors would love to foresee a life of health, fitness and relaxation. Some active seniors would also want to travel and explore places, and realize a lifetime's desire. A fit and healthy life is nothing but a result of a wholesome lifestyle. It stems from preventive care and making sure your body gets all it needs to remain in the pink of health. It really isn't difficult to find important nutritional guidelines to follow. Internet for seniors is a readymade ocean of information. That's where you go when you need reliable information or health tips.

The importance of good nutrition is the first thing that your doctor would have spoken to you about. Most diseases are a result of a person's life pattern over the years that add to genetic factors.

Seniors should strive to educate themselves about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Kids should think of computer for seniors as a gift idea, so they can keep themselves abreast about the latest health and nutrition tips.

Important foods for health:

  1. Leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, oranges and apricots for Vitamin A and beta-carotene.

  2. Milk and other dairy products for calcium.

  3. Nuts, egg, lean meat, tofu and other soy products for protein.

  4. Whole grains for complex carbohydrates.

  5. Fresh fruits for various kinds of Vitamins, fiber, and a minimum amount of sugar (check with your doctor if you're a diabetic).

Keep Away From:

  1. Sugar filled foods like ice creams, candies, sodas, etc (sugar cravings are strong with some seniors).

  2. Hot dogs, bacons, deep fried foods, fat filled chicken wings are laden with bad cholesterol.

  3. White breads, pastas, pizzas, have been wiped off nutrition during the polishing process.

Needless to say, smoking and excess consumption of alcohol will do your lungs and liver no good. They also serve as catalysts to cancerous cells. Seniors are also better off sticking to vegetarian foods as often as they can, since age slows down the digestive system as well. Apart from following these tips, put in a good bit of exercise and take your nutrition supplements according to prescription and you'll be raring to go.

Note: Each person's nutritional requirements differ. Please consult your physician before you start any kind of diet.

Thai Food For Health

Natural health is about self discipline and responsibility for a better life. And with nutritional supplements, you will be able to achieve this level of healthy comfortable living .

It just takes that first step. A Thai Food balanced diet is a Topic I really enjoy telling people about fighting diet problems, weight control, heath in general, even allergy conditions like me. I will touch on this latter.

There are many products available in the field of natural health . Pick up a book, surf online, educate yourself about the right foods for your health. I did, and cut my stress level by 50%; reduced my blood pressure down to 120/70, when under stress it was 150/95.

Not bad for middle age. Natural health is about finding ways to be healthy. With natural health nutrition, like say, Thai Food , you get the extra benefit of giving your body all the best there is from nature, which is a great feeling, and reward when you experience the difference, and ask yourself, how come I did not do this along time ago. What an energy booster indeed.

You will also find good nutrition leads to good health. I would get the typical once a year cold, like most people. Now I might get a cold, over 2 year periods . That should say something for good healthy nutrition. I do not believe there is a magic pill or fix all solution, but this certainly made a great change for me, and established a constant platform for my overall health.

You will experience the new you and will be proud of the achievements you will have from taking care of yourself. Now, no promises, but my weight is stable at 180lbs, exactly the same as when I was 18 years, when body building. I was usually around 200lbs., under hi stress working conditions. I am not outlining a diet plan, in fact the things I am mentioning worked for me regarding health overall.

The drop in weight actually happened as a result of better eating habits, an adjustment to things that helped, like the natural supplements, and Thai food in general, and reduction in obvious things that do not help. I knew with a stressful job, lots of traveling, something had to be adjusted, or shifted a bit. I even cut coffee down to 2 cups a day, I did not need 6, come on that is crazy, what was I thinking ?

So one noticeable thing I really enjoy, is the boost in energy for my age. It did take more than that, and I am going to give you a super important tip. Like anything, take small steps, and you will meet your goals. So here is the super tip that worked for me; simply get off the Dairy Products.

I have traveled to so many countries; with all types of foods, and certainly the western foods are spreading everywhere. So from experience alone, think about my tips to you.

Tip number two, not only do I use natural supplements for many reasons, here is a tip that really jump started me : go try Thai food, at a local restaurant.

This is an experience that will jump start your health in general. The reason I say Thai food, is simply there are so many types, you will find something you like, that is why Thai restaurants are so popular everywhere, world wide. And they have unique spices, and sauces that seem to please many people, offering new flavors, less saturated fats.

I did move to Thailand, so an expert in the foods section, and I have tried them all country wide. Believe me, you may have heard, how spicy Thai Food is, but actually there are in fact so many things to choose from, you will find something healthy, natural, and satisfying in all aspects.

That was tip no two, go out and try it, you will be surprised. Typically you will not find cheese in Asian dishes, however you may find coconut, or sweet milk, and similar things to sort out when you order food.

A third , but important tip, something I do every morning, and what an energy booster, I drink 12 oz. of grape juice per day. It beats coffee, but I still like my morning cup, but the juice really gives me a morning boost in my diet. Ok, that is tip no. three, simply try different things that work for you, that you enjoy, and watch out for the pizzas. Cutback on cheese, milk, ice cream. Select your food in moderate quantities.

I hope you found this as valuable information, based on my own personal experiences. Being middle age, time and health become more sensitive in life, and if you are truly out to improve you health, just take a few tips for starters. A slight shift in your nutrition can really improve your overall health. Get started today, its never to late!

Women and Their Nutrition...very Important to All of Us!

Many of our readers asked for simple nutrition tips for women. Women today are busier than ever before. Their stress is exacerbated by today's fast paced, pre-packaged, convenience based society and the toxins that come from antibiotics and household cleaners. Iron-deficiency anemia is very common in young women. Women need nutrition and they need to be CLEAN from toxins. Here's a nutrition tip for all women -- berries are your friends.

While women's role in the food chain is essential to produce that all-important resource, food, it paradoxically does not guarantee women even minimum levels of nutrition. Women are often responsible for producing and preparing food for the household, so their knowledge  or lack thereof  about nutritions effect on the entire family. Women with adequate stores of iron and other micronutrients are less likely to suffer fatal infections and are more likely to survive bleeding during and after childbirth. Women in developing countries are also regularly deficient in vitamin A, iodine, and energy. Women of child-bearing age are recommended to take folic acid supplements and consume a folic-rich diet. Women are also at higher risk for developing osteoporosis and need more calcium and vitamin D to prevent it. Studies showed that women with vitamin D insufficiency absorb less than 10 percent of available calcium.

However, even among the poor, different groups of women are affected differently by macro development policies, such as the commercialization of agriculture or family planning. The conflict between women's (economic) earning role and (biological and social) mothering role results to some degree in a squeeze on child care, with consequences for child health and nutrition. While women will be mothers too, motherhood is just one part of the inexorable life cycle. We need programs to increase women's awareness, self-confidence, and motivation to act. Men must be educated about the cost to society of neglecting women and the need for affirmative action for women, which arises both from the fact of their greater work burden and their unique reproductive roles. The issue of women's nutrition status and roles is crucial to the proposal for nutrition as a basic right for all in the 1990s, in which human development goals are paramount over economic goals. Programming for women's health must extend beyond their role as mothers to encompass their non-reproductive and work-related energy and health needs.

The nutrition tips for women broadcast on the news often imply that nutrition may magically cure all kinds of diseases. The role of nutrition is to feed our bodies. 1 nutrition tip for women is to regularly include iron-rich foods such as meat, shellfish, beans and enriched cereals in your diet. The effects of high levels of protein-energy malnutrition and anemia among women. The nutritional handicap accumulated in the life of a woman is passed on to the next generation through low birth weight, which considerably reduces survival and jeopardizes growth. The ultimate constraint of time affects the extent to which women can acquire nutritional goods and services and allocate them to improving their own well-being or that of their families. The best way to give your body the balanced nutrition it needs is by eating a variety of nutrient-packed foods every day. In some respects, men and women have different nutritional needs, largely due to differences in male and female hormones.

"If you look at the current federal dietary guidelines for kids, there is no difference in nutritional needs for males and females until age 9," says Elaine Turner, PhD, RD, associate professor in the department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Pregnancy drives the role of women and nutrition. If you need fewer calories, the calories you take in need to pack a lot of nutritional punch. One way that traditionally-minded woman can continue to keep their strength and health within the cycles of the creation,is through the use of berry plants. Remember, too that although berry plants have much nutritional value, they are only meant to supplement and enhance a well-balanced diet.

Anemia is the most common form of malnutrition, afflicting an estimated 47 percent of women worldwide, and anemia in pregnancy is one of the leading causes of maternal death. For maximum effect, improving women's nutrition should begin long before pregnancy. Improving nutrition by maintaining a healthy diet before and during pregnancy and also during lactation can help to ensure adequate gestational weight gain, prevent weight loss during lactation, help strengthen the immune system, and delay HIV disease progression. Good nutrition is important for all pregnant and lactating women irrespective of their HIV status. Ignorance about the symptoms of malnutrition, such as the lethargy and depression caused by iron deficiency, may be dismissed as "normal" or unimportant, further exacerbating the problem. Addressing women's malnutrition has a range of positive effects because healthy women can fulfill their multiple roles  generating income, ensuring their families' nutrition, and having healthy children  more effectively and thereby help advance countries' socioeconomic development. Well-nourished mothers are more likely to have infants with healthy birth weights, and such children are less likely to ever suffer from malnutrition. For reasons including women's reproductive biology, low social status, poverty, and lack of education, they suffer from nutritional imbalances. After the first year of life adolescent girls are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition.

Nutritious and Vitamins for Health

Nutritious and Vitamins  for Health



The human body requires food to provide energy for all life process and for growth, repair and maintenance of cells and tissues. The dietetic needs vary according to age, sex and occupation. A balanced diet contains different types of foods in such quantities and proportions that the need for calories, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients  is  adequately met and small provision is made for extra nutrients to with stand short duration of leanness. Eating a well balanced diet on a regular basis and staying at your ideal weight are critical factors in maintaining your emotional and physical well-being. Being over weight/under weight can lead to certain chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease


Why We Need Vitamins for our Health?

Vitamins and nutrition are the two things that go hand in hand. Proper nutrition leads to a healthier body. Scientifically, it can be said that nutrition guides on the aspect and co-relation of diet and health. With proper intake of food in right proportion provides the right kind of nutrition for health. The proportion of food to be taken varies with the individual on basis of health and the metabolic rate that one has.

When talking about health and nutrition, it will be wiser to mention that along with a proper diet one should also follow a proper and regular regime of exercise to keep themselves fit and healthy. It is said that a healthy diet with normal activities help a person to remain fit and healthy. Malnutrition is the most common disease that one acquires with irregular food habits and with lack in the intake of proper nutrients in the right proportion.

It should also be mentioned that for having a proper health, one should follow a balanced diet. This is the basic nutritional tips that one should understand. Imbalance of proper nutrients in food causes deterioration in the health. Imbalance can be both over intake and under intake of nutrients that are required by the body.

While talking about nutrition and health, it will be good to mention that there are mainly six types of nutrients that a human body requires. Water, fats, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are the six important nutrients that should be included in daily diet to keep one healthy. Fibrous fruits also form an essential composition in the list of balanced diet. A healthy food chart should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, pulses and fish and meat product.

First of all vitamin is that component of a balanced diet which the human body generally cannot manufacture on its own. So we must consume vitamin directly in the form of food or through supplements as tonic or pills. The whole process of assimilation of vitamins depends on ingestion of food. Once we have it as a part of our meal, say for tomatoes, lemon, spinach and other stuffs, it is more helpful. Moreover we don't feel that we are a patient and need to have medicines for cure. But if the deficit of a particular vitamin is high, then supplementary dose of vitamins have to be given to the body for a particular period. The body's metabolism is also dependent on vitamins as on carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other basic components of a complete diet. But before adding the vitamin list to our routine diet, let's understand the importance of vitamins in life.

  • Vitamin A is referred to be a vitamin for growth and body repair. It is very vital in the formation of bone and tissues and also keeps our skin smooth. And if we are night blind, the cure is having more Vitamins A.
  • Vitamin B1 is an energy building vitamin which helps us to digest carbohydrates. It also keeps our heart and muscles stable.
  • Vitamin C is a very commonly pronounced vitamin world wide. From kids to veterans, this vitamin is very essential as it protects our bones, teeth and gums. The ultimate medicine for curing scurvy and also resists any infection to grow in our body. Without its support collagen cannot be synthesized in the body.
  • Vitamin D is very important for children. The common disease seen in kids suffering from malnutrition is Rickets, which is actually caused by the deficit of Vitamin D. Bones cannot grow in a normal way if there is a lack of this vitamin. Direct sunlight is a natural source of vitamins apart from spinach and vegetables. In adults, Osteoporosis is caused due to lack of Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E is a wound treating vitamin. It is very mush essential to prevent sterility and to break up blood clots. Damage of cells due to aging can be protected to supplement of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B6 is necessary for production of antibodies
  • Vitamin B12 is required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism. This is a must for children's growth.
  • Vitamin B2 and Folic Acid help in the formation of red blood cells.

Body needs energy for the following functions:-

  • To maintain body temperature.
  • To carry on metabolic activities.
  • To help the growth.
  • To do all physical activities.

For all above and many more activities, we need food. 

  • Physique-Well Shaped.
  • Weight-proportionate to height.
  • Muscles-Well developed and  firm.
  • Skin-Elastic and slightly moist.
  • Hair-Smooth and glossy.
  • Eyes-Bright and without dark rings underneath.
  • Posture-Correct  (head erect, chest up, shoulders flat, abdomen drawn in).
  • Attitude-Pleasing
  • Sleep-Sound.
  • Digestion and elimination-Smooth and effortless.
  • Appetite-Good.
  • Appearance -Alert, lively and buoyant.

These are required daily. Such compounds are called essential nutrients. These are certain amino acids, fatty  acids, vitamins and minerals.


Human body needs a good nutritious and vitamins to stay fit as a fiddle. Diet planning is important to stay healthy. However, in today's fast-paced life, one cannot always have meals according to plan.

One should make it a practice to eat a variety of foods. One should choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables and fruits, low in fat and cholesterol and moderate in sugars, salt and sodium. Regular physical exercise is important to maintain or improve health

Lastly, it should be noted that proper nutrition with intake of all necessary nutrients in proper proportion is the key to proper health and therefore a balanced diet is necessary to maintain a perfect health.

Always remember that vitamins are not food but should be a part of our food.


For a better knowledge and for maintaining a balanced diet of our family, consult a doctor


Six Sensible Tips for Better Nutritional Health

Most individuals do know that they should have a healthy balanced diet to for 1) have a healthy body and 2) to set a good example for their children. Individuals that have a very healthy and well balanced diet as a whole are not overweight and can keep their weight under control very easily.

For women a healthy diet actually brings better reproduction and better fetal/infant health. It's not only you that depends upon your dieting, when you have children, your nutrition can make the difference between easy reproduction and healthy babies and fewer complications with the baby.

Here are six sensible tips for better nutritional health.

1. Begin With A Healthy Dieting Base

One of the most important parts of a healthy diet is a healthy base. Your food selections should be based on the nutritional pyramid. Select the suggested amount of different servings from the pyramid. Within your daily diet, include a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables. When deciding from these categories and fulfilling your hunger, the healthy way you will feel the effects in no time.

2. Cut Down Saturated Fat

In addition to building a healthy base, it is also important to pick out a diet that is moderate in fat. Only 30% of the calories in your daily diet should come from fats. When picking out food, also be sure to choose a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Cholesterol is the number one killer in women and men related to heart problems. Cholesterol is not only a problem for men as a lot of women believe; it affects women in the same way as it does men.

3. Cut Out The Sugar

Make your nutrition healthier by cutting out the sugar. Select foods that are low or moderate in sugar intake. Sugar is responsible for producing insulin and if you start off high sugar in the morning, your body will wants to keep that insulin level up and will call for sugar all day long. This will trap you into a cycle of consuming too much sugar. So first of all you are taking in too many calories and the production of sugar will tell your cells to stash away the sugar in the form of fat. As long as the insulin level is high, cells will not be programmed to loose fat and therefore loosing weight can better be managed by cutting back the sugar intake.

4. Reduce Sodium Intake

Improve your nourishment by reducing the sodium intake. Sodium in too big amount is not healthy for your body and many fast foods or boxed food contains way too much salt than you need for one or even two dinners. Salt and sodium are necessary for the body but in moderation. Salt is essential for a constant blood pressure, but too much or too little can screw up your blood pressure.

5. Take Alcohol In Moderation

Alcohol is another big problem in dieting. Alcohol in moderation, particularly red wine can be beneficial, but hard liquor and large amounts of alcohol are damaging to the human body.

6. Don't Forget To Exercise

Even with all these nutritional tips and suggestions, do not forget to exercise . Physical exercise belongs to a healthy lifestyle just as much as a balanced diet. And only a fit healthy body and exercise can help you loose weight, if you really want to loose weight that is.


The Worldwide Effects Of Sports Nutrition Products

It is  obvious in the current market that sports nutrition products come from various different places worldwide. The interest in these products can be seen from all over the world. Many people assume that it is only in demand from people who live in first world countries.

Now though being interested in sports nutrition does not automatically mean that the person concerned has to participate in sports. Many people see it as way of having a positive attitude towards their health in general. With the current ad campaigns going on around the world, more and more people are looking for ways of improving their health and see nutrition as a part of that.

Sports nutrition is most definitely a worldwide concept now. With more people becoming interested in it from around the world. Before many people were not overly conscious with what we were eating and the nutrients that the food provided. Now though, nutrition labels can be seen on  all food products so that nutrients that the food provides can be seen by people who have a keen interest in providing their body with the correct types of food.

The incorporation of nutrition programs in several fitness centers and sports facilities also support the worldwide concern for sports nutrition.

Before, fitness in terms of sports and exercise in general is seen as an independent aspect and has nothing to do with diet and nutrition.

Now, however, people seem to recognize the fact that both are interrelated and that each five would not yield positive results if taken individually. It appears now that people are open to the idea that without a healthy diet, performance may not be expected to be excellent.

In  any country, five would hear of the availability of supplements sports nutrition programs, training on nutrition and health, nutrition verification for athletes, and many others. Indeed, sports nutrition isn't anymore considered as for the First World countries only, but for worldwide benefit as well.

Several campaigns and sales efforts in support of sports nutrition have likewise been circulating worldwide.

Having a weak control method would certainly not bring the positive results that are sought. Sports can become  stressful on the body, even more so if it isn't backed up with right nutrition.

Aligning targets in terms of sports to targets in terms of nutrition is indeed  sound. In the first place, the body controls all activities.

The worldwide prevalence of sports nutrition also creates more vigilance in terms of sustaining efforts which have started already. It somehow creates a sense of pressure that yields favorable responses. Some people are indeed becoming nice role models in terms of sports nutrition.

With the release of many books and other materials on sports nutrition it's helped to increase the worldwide awareness. Now people can see with their own eyes the concrete evidence of successes that occurred in the past by providing your body with the correct nutrients. we are also shown that it isn't difficult for them to follow these examples.

It only requires commitment and nice motivation on the part of the person interested. If before a nice balance between fitness and nutrition was  complex to achieve now because of the practical tips coming from previous experiences it feels a lot not as hard to do.

Indeed, the coming years show more promise of worldwide sports nutrition because of heightened awareness and interest in it. This is a  advantageous thing for all as it somehow guarantees a healthier generation in the future. Sports isn't  about competition or making ones body look nice aesthetically, it also tackles the entire aspect of health.

With sports nutrition becoming a worldwide concept, the sustenance and motivation of previous efforts should always remain a concern. Although societal pressure can become a positive motivation, it can sometimes begin to falter.

Both the dissemination of the idea as well as maintenance of established ones should be taken nice care of as health is a  essential aspect of life.

Your first step to vibrant health and life energy!

Dear Friend

How can we influence our Energy? How does the lack of energy result in lack of success?

Energy is the key factor to success in every area of our lives. Somebody who feels tired, worn out and has depressing thoughts is more likely to avoid action and be underperforming.

On the other hand, when a person is energetic, highly motivated and thinking positively, their actions are constant and they can perform at the top level.

Depressed, overwhelmed = no action Exited, full of energy = great action

At the end of the day, all the results you produce are dependent on the state you are in and the energy you have.

Factors that influence life energy and the state you are in: Representations/Meaning, Memory, Internal communication, Physiology, Breathing, Nutrition

Tip: To take most out of these factors we recommend that you get yourself a notebook small enough so you can take it with you wherever you go. Use your notebook daily from both sides. On one side you write my successes, on the other side you are writing down inspirations and questions.

As one key to success is what kind of questions we are asking ourselves, we want to inspire you and unleash the hidden potential within you.

Lets start with some of your success stories (Memories): It will be easy for you to remember three events when you performed at your best, felt excited, perhaps happy, or had this great feeling of success.

Imagine yourself clearly and vividly in these situations. You can see the colours around you, is there any sound? What do you say to yourself? Are there people around you? What do they do and say? How would you describe the dominant feeling?

Describe three situations as clearly, as possible using all of your senses including sight, sound, smell, touch and feelings...

Simon Thomson Memory example: I'm going to describe for you a memory of mine that gives me goosebumps every time I recount it. It gives me the kind of "warm fuzzies" that make me want to get up and move no matter what I'm doing! It was in 2003 when I won the first Olympic Selection Trial at the Coff's Harbour Triathlon and booked my seat to Athens.

While there was good prize money on offer that day, every Australian knew that first place was automatic selection and that was the only position that counted:

As I rounded the last corner into the finish chute I had well over a minute's lead and a certain victory when I broke the tape ahead of me. This allowed for the emotions to pour freely as the magnitude of what I had achieved began to hit me.

All the pain I had been managing for the last 2 hours simply melted away from my conscious mind and the grimace broke into an enormous smile. I raised my arms to the roaring crowd that were celebrating this special moment with me.

The noise was loud and constant and only surpassed by the voice of the commentator that verbalised my movements down the final 50 meters. The sun was shining brightly and the oppressive heat had soaked buckets of sweat from my body during the race.

The race bunting and sponsors signage was bright and matched the summer beach clothing of the crowd that were extending their arms towards me over the barrier.

I was now skipping and dancing towards the finish line and slapping high fives the kids as I passed them. Despite the energy I had expended during the race, I now felt light as a feather and as strong and powerful as I've ever felt before.

As I passed under the finish arch I grabbed the tape with both hands and raised it in salute above my head. In one movement I turned to my left to see the crowd that included my best friends from home and with arms raised I let out a primal roar that came from an unknown place within.

The noise was drowned out by the crowd and with three steps towards my friends I was suddenly engulfed in a group hug with 15 people over the fence that threatened to sap the last few gasps of breath within me. As I broke free the tears began to flow and I felt the full force of the emotions erupting from everyone around me. I was feeling on top of the world!

You don't need to win a triathlon to have these feelings. I've felt these emotions doing many different things in my life, so be prepared to celebrate many more such great events in your near future!

Have fun with these memories and open your mind for the little every day successes that happen all the time and write them down in your notebook.

Health and Nutrition Guide

Proven Health Tips & Advice to loose weight

Boost your nutritional intake

Select good quality food according to Mediterranean advice. Increase level of nutrition in your diet, if you want to loose weight in a very easier step.

Limit your alcohol intake

One serving of alcohol a day for women and two for men. A serving is a basic glass. No all spirits and alcohols are the same. Quality beer, especially dark beers contain unique nutrient and antioxidants. So go along with nutrient drinks.


Managing your dreadful calories

Calculate the calories together with your diet and judge them against the intake of carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins and fats. The less you eat them the faster and easier it will be to lose fat.


Do not affix plenty of sugar or salt

Be aware of using lot of sugar/salt in your daily foods because Sugar practically not contains nutrient, but have a lot of calories intakes. So Appreciably decrease various heart relates problem by taking less intake of sodium Daily.


Add physical fitness exercise in your daily routine

Physical fitness should be beneficial towards fat loss for good health rather. Fat control can be efficiently done with a commitment to regular structured exercise.


Use Low Carb Diets

Consumption of accurate carbohydrate foods is the best solution for fast, easy weight loss. Get most of your carbohydrates from raw or steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, and beans.


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Health, energy, and nutrition have become the primary focus in today's society.  Everywhere you look there are ads for nutritious foods, energy drinks, buys for the health-conscious shopper.  But unfortunately, today's fast paced world leaves very little time for you to devote to yourself, even enough time to exercise.  Day to day routines can be so hectic and exhausting; you're too tired even to think about being active after a hard day of working.  Energy drinks are highly popular right now, and the temptation is to pop open a can of energy so you can do more, be even more on the go, get that much more done in a single day. drinks aren't really healthy or very good for your nutrition.  They are notoriously filled with sugar and caffeine, both things that you body doesn't need.  So where does that leave you? Visit now -



"Energy drinks are different from sports drinks. Most energy drinks simply provide lots of sugar or caffeine. Sports drinks are intended to replenish electrolytes, sugars, water and other nutrients and are usually isotonic (containing the same proportions as found in the human body)."-       Wikipedia, Energy Drink, May 2009


As more and more consumers are becoming health-conscious, the market is slowly beginning to change.  We do not have to consume sugary, high-caffeine energy drinks any longer.  Zsenso iced green tea and Zsenso iced peach green tea, made of rare Chinese green tea leaves, may be your healthy alternative to standard energy drinks.  After trying these delicious iced green teas, you may never go back to sugary energy drinks again."Tea has played a significant role in Asian culture for centuries as a staple beverage, a curative and a symbol of status. It is not surprising its discovery is ascribed to religious or royal origins. Even the earliest texts discuss the health benefits of tea." -Wikipedia, Green Tea, May 2009


Discovered in China, tea has swept the world and become a staple of many cultures around the globe.  China, the world's leader of tea, still produces more varieties of tea than any other country. For five thousand years, claims have been made that green tea is beneficial to your health.  Recently, more and more studies are being done of green tea and scientists are discovering that these claims are not wholly false.


"An article in New Scientist magazine (20 March 2004) mentions that numerous studies suggest that green tea protects against a range of cancers, including lung, prostate and breast cancer."- Wikipedia, Green Tea, May 2006


Zsenso iced green tea and Zsenso iced peach green tea, made of rare Chinese green tea leaves, can be a health-friendly alternative to sugary, highly caffeinated energy drinks.  Look for Zsenso iced tea products in your area, or purchase Zsenso iced green teas online.


But, if you like a lot variety in your energy drinks, XS energy drinks are the best choice for you.  XS energy drinks are available in all options: caffeine-free, zero-carb, and sugar free choices.  The list of flavours goes on and on: rootbeer, cranberry-grape, tropical, citrus, cherry, tea-berry, and electric lemon, to name a few.  In caffeine-free versions, buyers can find rootbeer blast, cranberry-grape blast, and tropical blast. 


You can be health conscious, care about nutrition, and still find an energy drink that won't do you more harm than good - as long as you know where to look for it.  XS energy drinks and Zsenso iced green teas will taste great and won't fill you up with sugar and carbs that will hurt more than help.  Energy drinks that can be healthy, too?  You'd have to drink it to believe it!


Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy are Embarrassing and Painful. Tips to Relieve Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy can turn an otherwise healthy pregnancy into a nightmare. Read on to see why pregnant women get hemorrhoids and what you can do to prevent or relieve hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

As a certified nurse midwife I have treated many cases of pregnancy and hemorrhoids. It was not until I personally experienced hemorrhoids during pregnancy that I understood how painful these little monsters can be.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins on or around the anus. The veins within the anal canal become swollen because of weakened vein walls allowing blood to pool. This causes the walls of the vein to expand creating the visible ball on the outside of the anus called a hemorrhoid.

What causes pregnancy hemorrhoids?

Pregnancy requires a woman to increase her total blood volume by 40% to accommodate her growing baby nutrition and circulatory needs. This increase in blood volume requires that the pregnant woman's blood vessels relax and expand to hold the extra blood. This is one of the major reasons why pregnant women are prone to blood clots, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women are also prone to constipation due to extra fluid absorption and relaxation of the bowels.

Constipation combined with the increased pressure on the rectum and perineum due to the growing baby is another reason for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Types of pregnancy hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

You can't see or feel these hemorrhoids, but straining or irritation from a passing stool can injure a hemorrhoid's delicate surface and cause it to bleed. You may notice small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl water. Because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these hemorrhoids usually don't cause discomfort. Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening. If a hemorrhoid remains displaced (prolapsed), it can cause pain and irritation.

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

These hemorrhoids tend to be painful. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemorrhoid and form a clot (thrombus) causing severe pain, swelling and inflammation. When irritated, external hemorrhoids can itch or bleed. The pain of hemorrhoids may be comparable to being stabbed in the rectum by a knife or hot poker.

What can you do to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

The good news is that hemorrhoids usually improve after the baby is born. In the meantime, there are a number of things you can do to treat hemorrhoids. Any one or more of the following may help relieve hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

Take a warm bath with baking soda or place baking soda (wet or dry) on the area to reduce itching.

Use witch hazel to reduce swelling or bleeding.

Use Tucks Medicated Pads.

Avoid sitting or standing for long periods.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Drink prune juice.

Do not delay going to the bathroom.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

If you are suffering very badly from pregnancy hemorrhoids please consult with your obstetric provider for hemorrhoid medication.

Mangosteen and minerals, 2 ounces twice a day has helped many pregnant women relieve inflammation and pain from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Mangosteen is a fruit that has been used for hundreds of years as an all natural, pregnancy safe anti-inflammatory and a pain blocker. Mangosteen also supports you body to the demands of pregnancy.

Wondering where to get more information about a high quality mangosteen and mineral product then go to my pregnancy web site at

You may also be very interested in an amazing message that was telepathically dictated to me for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly! I have the ability to communicate with baby's emotions from inside and outside the womb. Down load this AMAZING MESSAGE FREE at

If you wish to ask me a personal question about your pregnancy or an issue in your life then visit

Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N.

Certified Nurse Midwife

Pregnancy Success Coach








How to Cure a Yeast Infection Naturally - Diet and Nutrition Tips

If you have a yeast infection you can cure it naturally. No more going to the doctor, taking drugs and spending a lot of money. You can educate yourself on how to prevent and how to safely cure your yeast infection inexpensively, holistically, and naturally.

You can try immunotherapy. When using immunotherapy you are to steer clear of sugary foods and all yeast foods. You will be given oral drops or an injection to improve your immune system and decrease your allergic response. However, this will not keep candida infections away at all times. The best way to cure a yeast infection naturally is to get rid of the yeast issue internally.

To start off you will need to follow a diet that is also healthy for you. As mentioned, in your diet you should stay away from sugary foods, carbs, molds and yeast foods. Keep away from dairy unless you choose to use goat's milk or sheep's milk. Beta carotene may help fight off yeast infections. You can find beta carotene in apricots, cantaloupes, carrots and broccoli and spinach. The rule of thumb is orange fruits and green leafy vegetables.

Eat foods to keep your body's balance intact as far as alkaline and acid. Foods with acid your body needs are the majority of meats, fish, grains and dairy. (Remember to stick with sheep milk and goat's milk.) Foods with alkaline include, but are not limited to, foods with calcium, potassium, magnesium, cesium, sodium, almonds, green juices, and most fresh vegetables.

By following a healthy diet you are helping to prevent yeast infections naturally and safely. Not only will you cure yeast infections naturally, but you will feel better overall from changing your diet and bettering your health. You will have more energy and we all could use that in this fast-paced world.

Imagine not having to go to the doctor for reoccurring yeast infections that are so uncomfortable and embarrassing to most people. You will not have to risk taking antibiotics and once treatment is done, you may end up with a candida infection. Your body needs good bacteria and when you take antibiotics they kill the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria.

Change your diet today to successfully cure yeast infections naturally.

Personal Training Singapore: Six Great Nutrition Tips For Health And Fat Loss

I tell the clients doing personal training in Singapore with me, that their weight loss diet plan is, in most regards even harder to stick to than training.

Training is 4-6 times per week for 30 min to 90 min. That is only a fraction of your life. However, eating right is a constant battle since you should be eating often.

The great thing is that once you learn and have the habit of preparing food, eating correctly is not a burden at all. That's when you know that your weight loss diet plan is in full swing.

As a personal trainer in Singapore (which is a food crazy county!), I love cooking for myself (I don't love doing dishes but it's a necessary evil, and having home cooked food is worth the trouble) and once you do it, there is no turning back.

In fact I find myself having less and less cravings for poor food choices (Making it even easier to stick to the weight loss diet plan). In addition, when you eat well you are "fine tuning" your car (body) to like and accept only the top quality fuels.

Your taste preferences change and you reap the benefit of the improved fuel choices in your weight loss diet plan. Once you notice these benefits - health, fat loss, improved energy, no drowsy periods of the day etc, there is no turning back. The common "journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step" saying really does apply to dietary change.

Here is my "Singapore personal trainer tip-sheet" to getting that weight loss diet plan up and running.

Tip 1: Animal eating and other good protein sources - get some of these every meal the benefits of protein are just great!

Tip 2: Timing is important especially for starchy carbohydrates. Only in the morning and after training are these starches put to good use. If you are a former fat boy like myself I wouldn't even eat them in the morning.

Tip 3: Plan and prepare. This applies to cooking and shopping and even dining out. There is almost no way to consistently succeed in eating the right thing if you don't prepare. I know that I eat poorer not because of desire for junk food, but because situations that I was not prepared for came up and interfered with my eating plan. When dining out, feel free to ask for modified foods on the menu. E.g. "May I have the Lamb chops with no potato but more steamed veggies please"."

Tip 4: You don't need to be perfect, but you do need to be very, very good. Perfection is impossible and also unnecessary. Plan (yup there is that "p" word again) a few imperfect meals each week, time with family, friends and even a scoop of ice cream. No need to be a social outcast just because you want to be healthy. But the remainder of the time, be ruthlessly excellent with your eating.

Tip 5: Cut out non-water drinks. One of the easiest and most powerful habits to implement. Calories in drinks come mostly from high fructose corn syrup or plain white sugar. Both of these make the "badness" factor go up really quickly and without warning - it's scary. Ok fine, a black coffee in the morning, and some unsweetened herbal drinks/teas are ok.

Tip 6: If you are hungry, eat something. This means eating often - like every 2-3 hours. Don't fall into the "I'll get fit by starving" foolishness, or the "I'm busy, food doesn't matter" misconception (My experience as a personal trainer in Singapore tell me that these misconceptions are pretty widespread).

The former is just malnutrition waiting to happen, and the latter can be "planned away" so it doesn't occur. A missed meal is as bad for you as an unhealthy meal. Your many meals each day don't need to be fancy affairs. A cup of low fat yogurt and a handful of nuts is a good "meal" that can take you from mid-morning till lunch in a healthy way.

Pregnancy After Miscarriage. Tips to Prevent Your Next Pregnancy Ending in Another Miscarriage

 Pregnancy after  miscarriage is a common concern for many women that had a miscarriage. Read on to see what you can do to create a more successful pregnancy after a miscarriage.

20 -25% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. No two pregnancies are alike. Each pregnancy is a unique experience for a woman and the incoming child so we cannot compare one pregnancy to another. The success rate of a pregnancy after a miscarriage can be increased with these following tips:

Be nutritionally healthier prior to and during pregnancy. From the moment of conception your unborn child needs to constantly multiply every cell in their body to grow every organ and structure to be normal. The most common cause of an early miscarriage is an abnormal baby resulting from a defective egg or sperm. These issues are easily corrected to prevent a recurrent miscarriage. It is not good enough to just eat healthier as most of the food we eat lacks basic nutrition and minerals. But it is essential to take in a high quality supplement of vitamins and minerals that has a great absorption rate. A nutritionally healthy body will make your pregnancy after miscarriage stronger.


Keep your body constantly detoxified will also prevent miscarriages and make pregnancy after miscarriage easier. Many people are unaware that their bodies are in a constant toxic state unless they are taking antioxidants on a daily basis. Toxins can destroy healthy cells including the female egg, the male sperm and the growing fetus. Toxins comes from the following

    Pesticides on the fruit and vegetables we eat unless they are organic.

    Additives and preservatives in our foods.

    Pollution in the air we breathe.

    Chemicals in the water we drink.

    From within our own bodies, for example every time we work out we generate free radicals that are toxic to our bodies.

    Medication we take.

60% of all pregnancies are unplanned and when a pregnant woman has ambivalence about her pregnancy it increases the chances of a miscarriage. Therefore, if you want to have a successful pregnancy, immediately accept this baby.

Listen to your body. If your body is telling you to take it easy and not to have intercourse during your pregnancy, then listen to your own inner guidance. Pregnancy is much more than a physical and emotional process. Pregnancy takes a tremendous amount of energy from the mother as so many things happen to the mother and the incoming baby all at the same time. Going against your inner guidance can off set a normal pregnancy.

Pregnancy after miscarriage comes with concerns that another miscarriage will happen. This is normal but may even cause another miscarriage. Regardless of your obstetrical history it is very important not to worry and have as little stress as possible. Be positive and bond with your baby. Let your baby know he or she is loved and wanted.

If you are having a hard time getting over the loss of your miscarried baby then maybe you might want to consider some energetic healing-coaching over the telephone with me. I have helped so many women turn the corner of miscarriage grief so their life is less saddened. For information about a high quality vitamin, mineral and mangosteen product and my book Birth, A Conscious Choice visit

You may also be very interested in an amazing message that was telepathically dictated to me for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks old. Yes you read correctly! I have the ability to communicate with baby's emotions from inside and outside the womb. Down load this AMAZING MESSAGE FREE at

If you wish to ask me a personal question about your pregnancy or an issue in your life then visit

Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N.

Certified Nurse Midwife

Pregnancy Success Coach

Body Building Diet - Great Nutrition Tips For Body Builders

For people who are really serious about body building as sport, nutrition is something that is very important. Good nutrition is one thing that is required for a healthy life. It is more important for the body builder to have efficient workouts and also grow muscles efficiently and quickly. To succeed in body building the right type of nutrition is required.

A protein rich diet is given the highest priority. This means that meat chicken and fish in large quantities are in. both fish and chicken are considered good as they have less fat content in them. Although fat is an essential part of the diet, you have to be careful in not letting it cause health problems.

The next huge part of the intake for healthy body building is a good quantity of carbohydrates. The primary source of energy for your body that you get from the food you consume is carbohydrates. Lots of energy is needed to finish an intense workout which will help in building your muscles more efficiently and quickly.

The best kinds of carbohydrates which can be taken in are the complex carbohydrates. Whole grain rice, pasta and whole grain breads are said to contain these complex carbohydrates. For maximum amount of efficiency, you will have to consume proteins along with the carbohydrates.

Fats are also equally important in this nutrition. Fat provides certain body parts like the lungs and the heart with insulation. Also energy is produced when these fats are broken down. You will however need to consume the good fats compared to the bad fats so that you do not gain the fat that you do not want.

The worst fats that can be consumed are the saturated fats. Fats at room temperature that stay in solid form such as butter and animal lard are said to be saturated fats. Good fats are also called unsaturated fats. These fats have to be taken in moderate quantities. Unsaturated fats are in liquid form at room temperature.

Omega 3 fatty acids are good for both the mind as well as the body. It is found in fish. These omega 3 fats are known to give energy, fend off fatigue and also to combat depression.

Fruits have to be consumed in reasonable amounts so that sugar will not be consumed in excess and ruin your workout. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and carrot give you the essential minerals and vitamins. So it is necessary for you to include fresh vegetables in your diet.

Effective body building requires good nutrition. So do eat good food without indulging too much in it. Nutrition is as important as exercising and weight lifting.

Spot Hidden Sugar with these Nutrition Tips

Majority of foods which we consume on a daily basis are laden with sugar. However, unless a product specifically lists its sugar content using the term sugar, majority of us will not be able to recognize this calorie laden compound. In this article I will list several tips to help you recognize the appearance of this compound in various foods.


Everyone knows that sugar intake is acceptable in moderation. The daily intake of this compound should be no more than 32 grams of approximately 8 teaspoons. However, majority of us unknowingly exceed this amount on a daily basis. We consume various products which are laden with sugar only because we don't know its there! In order to avoid this problem, while reading the food labels you have pay close attention to various terms which indicate the presence of sugar. Here are some of the most common terms: white sugar, brown sugar, icing sugar, invert sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses, brown rice syrup, cane juice, evaporated cane juice, any fruit juice concentrate, all "ose" ending ingredients (including Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Lactose, Maltose, and Sucrose). These are just some of the terms which you need to be aware of. Managing your sugar intake is important to everyone, not just to people who suffer from diabetes. Many of us have this understanding that unless we have diabetes; we don't have to worry about our intake of "ose" products. That is a big misconception!


Watching your sugar intake can also help you lose weight. Healthy nutrition, along with exercise, the best diet pills, whey protein shakes and various herbal remedies can help you attain quick weight loss. So don't be afraid to give healthy nutrition a chance, it will improve your health and reduce your risk of various diseases.

Find details about Mango Nutrition Tips

Mango is one of the most luscious tropical fruit with many nutritional benefits as well. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which are needed by the body to fight against diseases. Mangoes are abundant during the summer season. While many of us are eating mango because of its taste, there are still those who are not yet familiar with mango nutritional facts. What are the health benefits of mangoes? What diseases or conditions can this tropical fruit prevent or cure?

Mangoes are good to eat either ripe or unripe. The ripe mango is excellent for toning up heart muscles, stimulating appetite, and improving the skin's texture and appearance. It is also antiscorbutic, diuretic, laxatic, and invigorating. This tropical fruit is also helpful for people who have liver disorders. It's also high in calories and carbohydrates which are needed for those who are trying to gain weight. Ripe mango is a good source of beta-carotene and is good in the prevention of various Vitamin A deficient disorders. Mangoes are also found to have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties as well as helpful in treating acidity, poor digestion, and anemia. Drinking mango juice is also believed in improving the memory, concentration, and great in preventing mental weakness. Mangoes also contain Vitamin E which helps in the better functioning of hormonal system-improving the sex life. The amount of Vitamin C and calcium found in mangoes prevents internal hemorrhage also.

Unripe mango is a good source of pectin which is a soluble dietary fiber. This helps prevent a surge in blood glucose levels by promoting satiety.

With the many health benefits that mangoes can provide for the body, no wonder it is called "The King of Fruit." Mangoes are not only nutritious; they are also succulent and delicious.

Lose Weight With These Health-Boosting Tips

In this report I intend to introduce you to some tips that should cause you to reach your target weight in a manner that is both beneficial and reasonable.

An excellent way to start out is to assess the quantity of food that you are eating right now. Just start out when you wake up one day and just continue on with your day like any other. Really try to eat exactly the same as you would ordinarily be eating on any other day, and keep a detailed log of every little thing that you put in your mouth plus the exact quantities that you have. Most people find out that this project can take a good deal of seriousness and dedication from the dieter. It is of pivotal importance that you remind yourself that you have decided to follow a program of healthy weight loss, and to adhere to a level-headed weight loss program.

This will be a whole lot better for your health over the long term than any kind of crash diet program or weight loss pill. Really, actually completing this process is not going to take you more than 5 or 10 minutes out of your day, regardless of the many lingering rewards that it will extend. Before you hit the hay that evening, go ahead and tally up the total amount of calories, carbohydrate, protein, and fat that you managed to eat over the course of the day. Be as precise as possible so that you will know exactly what your starting point is and which pieces of your present diet will probably be the most useful things to change.

Next, there are a few simple, natural actions that you have to follow when you aspire to lessen the number of calories that you are consuming in the average day that will enable you to bring about weight loss.

The thing you'll do can be to actually crank up the amount of protein that you eat at each meal. Medical research has proven that escalating your protein consumption with no other change typically causes significant fat loss, for the simple reason that foods that are high in protein are a lot more filling than other foods. The more protein you add into your diet, try slowly turning down the amount of total carbohydrates you are eating. Scientific studies have proven that sugar amplifies your hunger. This is why you will almost always eat a larger serving of food for lunch if you drink a soda pop with your meal.

Along with these dietary changes, you will also want to increase your body's ability to burn fat by building up new muscle mass. The way to do this is simple: weight training. Most people are surprised by how much they enjoy weight training due to the fact that you don't have to do it every day and because you get to keep on losing weight between workouts. The best weight training technique is to focus on slow, perfectly formed movements without any need to perform a large number of repetitions. Have a nice protein shake after your workout for maximum muscle-building.

Cardio exercise is not an effective weight loss tool. Your body does not burn nearly as many calories as you would expect to burn doing these exercises. Also, this type of exercise tends to reduce your blood sugar levels, quickly increasing your appetite and thus causing you to consume more calories after your workout. Because of this, cardio workouts are not advisable unless it is something you enjoy doing.

After one week of following this simple plan, you will likely be pleased to find that you have lost a pound or two. This is a perfectly healthy and natural pace for weight loss, you will do well to remember this and stay realistic in your expectations. The latest fad diet would probably take the pounds off more quickly, but you could compromise your health this way and find that this type of weight loss is not sustainable. As you continue to steadily lose just one to two pounds per week by following this plan, you will find at the end of one year that you have become more than 50 pounds lighter and feel healthier than ever.

7 Nutritional Tips to Increase Brain Power

Mentioned below is a seven step plan to enable you control your diet under control and for consuming food as a medicine for the brain.

1.Increase levels of Water Intake - As your brain comprises around 80 % water the first and foremost rule of brain nutrition is to have adequate water for keeping your brain hydrated. Even very slight dehydration can increase the level of stress hormones that can cause damage to your brain. At least 84 ounces of water is required to be drunk in a day. It is good to have liquids devoid of sugar, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol or caffeine.

2.Restriction of Calorie - Scientific research has proved that a calorie restricted diet is useful for the brain and longevity of life. Eating in excess reduces your life span. Restricting your calorie intake controls weight, reduces chances of cardio-vascular diseases, risks of cancer, and strokes caused due to obesity - that is a major risk factor for all these illnesses.

3.Good Fats, Fish, Fish Oil, & Bad Fats - A large portion of the grey matter of the brain is made up of DHA, a form of omega-3-fatty acids that is found in fish. Cell membranes are formed from the fat present in the brain and determine some of the vital functions of the brain. Neurons also containomega-3 fatty acids. The retina of the eye also contains high quantities of DHA. According to Research and study conducted in the recent years diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids may enhance positive mood and a healthy emotional balance in the years to come. .

4.Dietary Antioxidants in increased quantities - Scientific research has substantiated that a considerable amount of dietary antioxidants intake that comes from fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of a cognitive impairment significantly. Study and research disclosed that free radical formation played a vital role in brain deterioration with age. When oxygen is converted into energy by a cell freed radicals are formed. Produced in normal amounts they rid the body of harmful toxins, keeping it healthy and strong. On the contrary if produced in excess, they damage the body cells and tissue. Vitamin C, E and beta carotene restrict production of excess amount free radicals in the body. The Department of Agriculture in the US have mentioned the following to be the best antioxidants: Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Spinach, Plums, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Beets, Oranges, Avocados, Red bell peppers, Red grapes, Cherries and Kiwis.

5.Carbohydrates, Balance Protein & Good Fats: In view of obesity and the various issues related to weight the best thing is the Atkins Diet and its clones that get rid of many of the simple sugars we consume. High refined sugar diets enhance diabetes, cognitive impairment and tiredness. Yet, to imply that bacon is a health food and that oranges and carrots are as bad as cake seems silly. The main principle is that a balanced diet is essential, especially balanced with proteins, carbohydrates and good fats. Proteins help in balancing blood sugar levels. During every snack or meal or, try to balance the intake of protein, fat and high fiber carbohydrates.

6.For you to follow a "brain healthy" calorie restricted diet plan you need to have some great references and choices. The book Super Foods Rx by Steven Pratt and Kathy Matthews is good resource in this context. It enlists 14 priority food groups that keep one healthy with reasonable calorie intake. The American Cancer Society prescribes 5- 9 servings of vegetables and fruits in a day.

7. Plan Snacks - Snacks are helpful in balancing intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Some favorite low calorie snacks Vegetables and dried fruits are examples of some great low calorie snacks, not the dried fruits & vegetables found in supermarkets that are packed with preservatives. When you much on veggies or dried fruit balance it out with some intake of protein and little fat.

Health And Nutrition Tips For The Body

We all want a healthy and fit body. But just like anything in life, it takes some work. But the effort sure is worth the work. So if you are among the few willing to delay gratification to achieve results then this is for you read on.

1. Eat Fruit and Vegetable

Getting enough antioxidants (disease fighting vitamins and minerals) generally means eating enough fruit and vegetables - an acceptable guide being five portions daily. Fruits and vegetables should roughly make up about a third of the food eaten each day. Making sure your main meal is rich in vegetables is a good way towards achieving this, while snacking on fruit is another way to keep intake high.

2. Easy on Saturated Fats

Saturated fat found in foods such as chocolate and cake is one of the major contributors to serious illness such as heart disease. Most of the fats we consume should from unsaturated fat - the good fats that comprise Omega 3, 6 and 9 and are found in foods like oily fish, seeds, nuts, olives and avocados. Several major studies have linked high (two or more portions a day) red meat intake to cancer. The accepted advice is to eat more fish - about 80 g every other day.

3. Take up aerobic exercise

Many people lead overwhelmingly sedentary lives. Investing in your health by walking, cycling or swimming for 30 minutes a day is one of the key ways to stay young. Aerobic exercise - which doesn't have to be too vigorous - maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood and releases endorphins, natural painkiller that promote an increased sense of well - being.

4. Get Enough Fibre

Many people don't eat enough fibre. Recommendations vary, but around 26 grams a day seems to be about right. It's important to eat enough insoluble fibre (from bread, for example) as well as soluble fibre (the main source being vegetables). A fibre - rich diet is important for a healthy digestive system and hart, as well as protecting against serious disease such as cancer.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

humble H2O is vital for the proper working of all outrogans, from the liver and kidneys to the lymph system and our skin. Estimates vary, but most advice suggests that adults should drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. This is especially important in hot climates where the risk of dehydration is far greater.

6. Looking after you Skin

As the largest of body's organs, the skin reveals plenty about our age. Taking care of your skin is one of the key secrets to looking young. Skin that has overdosed on sun can end up looking wrinkled and taut. Be sensible in the sun, particularly during the hottest periods of the day. Cover up with light cloths and a hat, and wear sunscreen - organic if possible.

7. Go easy on the alcohol

Official advice on how much we should drink varies from country to country and can be confusing. In UK government advice is to drink not more than two to three units of alcohol a day. What we do know is that long - term consumption of large quantities of alcohol lead to permanent damage to major organs such as the brain, throat, stomach, intestines and liver.

8. Do not overeat

There is growing evidence that people who do not overeat live longer. In west, obesity is a big problem; in Africa, too, it's cause of growing concern - almost a fifth of adolescents in South Africa are now overweight. Many of us eat too much without even realizing, and by doing so put on weight while straining the major organs or the body. Try cutting down portion sizes at mealtimes by a third.

9. Get 7 - 8 hours sleep a night

The body does most of its repairing when you're asleep. Cells regenerate at a faster pace at night and body tissues are repaired. There is even evidence that too little sleep makes people age faster. There is little arguing with the fact that a good night's sleep makes all the difference to energy and concentration levels the next day.

10. Stay away from cigarettes

Along term smoker increases his or her risk of a grim selection of illnesses that include various cancers, asthma, reduce lung capacity, high blood pressure and heart disease. More that 700 chemical compounds are found in cigarettes, some of which are toxic and not allowed in food. For anyone wanting to stay youthful for as long as possible smoking is no-go zone - on to of the risk of serious illness, a smoking habit ages skin prematurely and yellows skin and nails.

11. Limit caffeine intake

Studies on the effects of drinking too much tea and coffee are always in the news, and many are contradictory. What we do know is that high caffeine intake can adversely affect blood pressure and therefore heart health. Stick to one or two cups of tea or coffee a day, or cultivate a taste for herbal teas.

12. Take supplements

The market for vitamins and mineral supplements has rocketed in recent years. While not everyone agrees that dietary supplements are beneficial, most would agree that there is little harm in boosting your diet with a tablet packed with the vitamins and minerals the body needs to stay fit and healthy. A combined vitamin/mineral tablet is the best, and simplest, format. However, you should always take medical advice before taking supplements, especially if you are on medication.

13. Learn to meditate

No one finds meditation easy. The idea of sitting still and trying to calm the mind sounds far, far easier that it is in real life and demands time, dedication and patience. It is however, one of the best ways of keeping the mind calm and the problems and challenges of life in perspective. Regular meditation improves psychological wellbeing by reducing anxiety and stress levels, helping us to stay more fully in the present and to let go of negative thought processes.

14. Practice yoga regularly

According to yoga philosophy, it's the flexibility of the spine not how old you are, that determines a person's age. Introducing yoga into your daily or weekly routine is one of the best things you can do to stay young. Its benefits include improving posture, toning the skin and muscles, eliminating tension from the body, strengthening the core stomach muscles as well as those in the arms and legs.

15. Breathe properly

Yoga's emphasis on breathing also brings huge emotional and psychological benefits, calming the mind, alleviating stress, anxiety and depression and helping us to focus on the here and now. But you don't have to be a yoga enthusiast to breathe properly. Get used to breathing from your abdomen, not your chest. Experiment with taking long, slow breathe, with a greater emphasis on exhalation than inhalation. Taking even a minute a day to fill your lungs with oxygen can provide instant benefits.

16. Surround yourself with good friends

Numerous studies show that supportive friendships can provide emotional help during difficult times, as well as improve our health and increase longevity. Women tend to be naturally better at surrounding themselves with friends, but there is no inherent reason why this should be the case. A sense of belonging is crucial for emotional health and wellbeing and those without that network are far more likely to suffer from depression.

17. Find hobbies you enjoy and keep busy

Older people who look and feel young tend to have full busy lives. Make a point of discovering what you enjoy and do it regularly. As well as connecting you to other people, regular participation in a hobby can relieve stress and keep an element of fun high on the agenda. Taking this to its idea, turning a hobby into a career can mean there is no difference between work and play.

18. Remember to laugh often

As children know well, laugher is fun. It is also free and hugely beneficial to health - so much so that a whole industry has grown up around it in recent years in the form of laughter gyms and laughter yoga. Frequent laughter boost mood, improves brain functioning, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. It connects you to thers, and may even protect against heart disease.

19. Discover massage

Regular massage can decrease anxiety and fatigue, boost energy and improve circulation and sleep. Psychologically, our sense of touch is hugely important and having a massage can immediately boost wellbeing. There are also a host of physical pay-offs, including helping to keep joints flexible. Most of all, it's fun and versatile - an Indian head massage can feel very different from an aromatherapy treatment or the popular Japanese technique of Shiatsu.

20. Cultivate a positive attitude and enjoy life

Studies has shown that a person's mental state and attitude can influence how well, and how long, they live. In one study, those who reported high levels of optimism had a 55% lower risk of death from premature causes. Take responsibility for your life and wellbeing. Discover what you enjoy, treat you body with respect and live each day as if it really were your last.

21. Keep stress levels low

Chronic stress in endemic in many societies and work related stress affects one in five people. High cortisol levels in the body, like those associated with chronic stress, can decrease bone density and muscle tissue, raise blood pressure, impair cognitive ability and lower immunity. Stress is generated when the body's cortisol - infused 'flight or fight' response is generated and does not have a chance to return to normal. It is possible, however, to minimize stress through lifestyle.

Dog Nutrition Tips for Beginners

If it is your first time having a dog as a pet, you would definitely have to do some research on the feeding for dogs in general. Asking experts and experienced dog trainers would be a great thing to do, for these people are very much familiar with every essential thing as regards to dogs, from basic dog nutrition to advanced supplements and so on.

Daily Food Intake And Nutrition

All breeds of dogs are generally very active animals and they need good food to keep them moving. For this, you have to keep track of what they eat everyday and make sure that you include food containing nutrients such as Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E and K.

Basically you should be aware of the most common form of dog nutrition chart that can be seen either online or can also be found in pet clinics and public service centers. You can find information on the essential food and dietary chart, which will guide you on the most balanced mixture of food containing all the needed dog nutrition.

As we know, dogs should be given healthy foods made from high quality meat, vegetables, fruits, and well-balanced mixture of vitamins and minerals. These foods and nutrients are basically required to build and maintain healthy blood, muscle, and bone structure. Besides the above vitamins given, dog nutrition experts would also suggest you on giving foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, boron, chromium, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, sulphur, zinc and many more.

Foods containing high levels of fiber should also be given; for at certain seasons or stages they do not drink water much compared to their intake of food. Water is indeed one of the most important elements of common set of dog nutrition, which is good for their digestive system. So to replace this, you need to make sure that their food is rich in fiber.

Any dog nutrition expert would also advise you on not to give fatty foods and too much of fatty-acid-based foods, because this can lead to obesity in most dogs.