Spot Hidden Sugar with these Nutrition Tips

Majority of foods which we consume on a daily basis are laden with sugar. However, unless a product specifically lists its sugar content using the term sugar, majority of us will not be able to recognize this calorie laden compound. In this article I will list several tips to help you recognize the appearance of this compound in various foods.


Everyone knows that sugar intake is acceptable in moderation. The daily intake of this compound should be no more than 32 grams of approximately 8 teaspoons. However, majority of us unknowingly exceed this amount on a daily basis. We consume various products which are laden with sugar only because we don't know its there! In order to avoid this problem, while reading the food labels you have pay close attention to various terms which indicate the presence of sugar. Here are some of the most common terms: white sugar, brown sugar, icing sugar, invert sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses, brown rice syrup, cane juice, evaporated cane juice, any fruit juice concentrate, all "ose" ending ingredients (including Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Lactose, Maltose, and Sucrose). These are just some of the terms which you need to be aware of. Managing your sugar intake is important to everyone, not just to people who suffer from diabetes. Many of us have this understanding that unless we have diabetes; we don't have to worry about our intake of "ose" products. That is a big misconception!


Watching your sugar intake can also help you lose weight. Healthy nutrition, along with exercise, the best diet pills, whey protein shakes and various herbal remedies can help you attain quick weight loss. So don't be afraid to give healthy nutrition a chance, it will improve your health and reduce your risk of various diseases.