Nutritious and Vitamins for Health

Nutritious and Vitamins  for Health



The human body requires food to provide energy for all life process and for growth, repair and maintenance of cells and tissues. The dietetic needs vary according to age, sex and occupation. A balanced diet contains different types of foods in such quantities and proportions that the need for calories, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients  is  adequately met and small provision is made for extra nutrients to with stand short duration of leanness. Eating a well balanced diet on a regular basis and staying at your ideal weight are critical factors in maintaining your emotional and physical well-being. Being over weight/under weight can lead to certain chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease


Why We Need Vitamins for our Health?

Vitamins and nutrition are the two things that go hand in hand. Proper nutrition leads to a healthier body. Scientifically, it can be said that nutrition guides on the aspect and co-relation of diet and health. With proper intake of food in right proportion provides the right kind of nutrition for health. The proportion of food to be taken varies with the individual on basis of health and the metabolic rate that one has.

When talking about health and nutrition, it will be wiser to mention that along with a proper diet one should also follow a proper and regular regime of exercise to keep themselves fit and healthy. It is said that a healthy diet with normal activities help a person to remain fit and healthy. Malnutrition is the most common disease that one acquires with irregular food habits and with lack in the intake of proper nutrients in the right proportion.

It should also be mentioned that for having a proper health, one should follow a balanced diet. This is the basic nutritional tips that one should understand. Imbalance of proper nutrients in food causes deterioration in the health. Imbalance can be both over intake and under intake of nutrients that are required by the body.

While talking about nutrition and health, it will be good to mention that there are mainly six types of nutrients that a human body requires. Water, fats, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are the six important nutrients that should be included in daily diet to keep one healthy. Fibrous fruits also form an essential composition in the list of balanced diet. A healthy food chart should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, pulses and fish and meat product.

First of all vitamin is that component of a balanced diet which the human body generally cannot manufacture on its own. So we must consume vitamin directly in the form of food or through supplements as tonic or pills. The whole process of assimilation of vitamins depends on ingestion of food. Once we have it as a part of our meal, say for tomatoes, lemon, spinach and other stuffs, it is more helpful. Moreover we don't feel that we are a patient and need to have medicines for cure. But if the deficit of a particular vitamin is high, then supplementary dose of vitamins have to be given to the body for a particular period. The body's metabolism is also dependent on vitamins as on carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other basic components of a complete diet. But before adding the vitamin list to our routine diet, let's understand the importance of vitamins in life.

  • Vitamin A is referred to be a vitamin for growth and body repair. It is very vital in the formation of bone and tissues and also keeps our skin smooth. And if we are night blind, the cure is having more Vitamins A.
  • Vitamin B1 is an energy building vitamin which helps us to digest carbohydrates. It also keeps our heart and muscles stable.
  • Vitamin C is a very commonly pronounced vitamin world wide. From kids to veterans, this vitamin is very essential as it protects our bones, teeth and gums. The ultimate medicine for curing scurvy and also resists any infection to grow in our body. Without its support collagen cannot be synthesized in the body.
  • Vitamin D is very important for children. The common disease seen in kids suffering from malnutrition is Rickets, which is actually caused by the deficit of Vitamin D. Bones cannot grow in a normal way if there is a lack of this vitamin. Direct sunlight is a natural source of vitamins apart from spinach and vegetables. In adults, Osteoporosis is caused due to lack of Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E is a wound treating vitamin. It is very mush essential to prevent sterility and to break up blood clots. Damage of cells due to aging can be protected to supplement of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B6 is necessary for production of antibodies
  • Vitamin B12 is required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism. This is a must for children's growth.
  • Vitamin B2 and Folic Acid help in the formation of red blood cells.

Body needs energy for the following functions:-

  • To maintain body temperature.
  • To carry on metabolic activities.
  • To help the growth.
  • To do all physical activities.

For all above and many more activities, we need food. 

  • Physique-Well Shaped.
  • Weight-proportionate to height.
  • Muscles-Well developed and  firm.
  • Skin-Elastic and slightly moist.
  • Hair-Smooth and glossy.
  • Eyes-Bright and without dark rings underneath.
  • Posture-Correct  (head erect, chest up, shoulders flat, abdomen drawn in).
  • Attitude-Pleasing
  • Sleep-Sound.
  • Digestion and elimination-Smooth and effortless.
  • Appetite-Good.
  • Appearance -Alert, lively and buoyant.

These are required daily. Such compounds are called essential nutrients. These are certain amino acids, fatty  acids, vitamins and minerals.


Human body needs a good nutritious and vitamins to stay fit as a fiddle. Diet planning is important to stay healthy. However, in today's fast-paced life, one cannot always have meals according to plan.

One should make it a practice to eat a variety of foods. One should choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables and fruits, low in fat and cholesterol and moderate in sugars, salt and sodium. Regular physical exercise is important to maintain or improve health

Lastly, it should be noted that proper nutrition with intake of all necessary nutrients in proper proportion is the key to proper health and therefore a balanced diet is necessary to maintain a perfect health.

Always remember that vitamins are not food but should be a part of our food.


For a better knowledge and for maintaining a balanced diet of our family, consult a doctor